Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day! On this special day, family members of our beloved Chinatown businesses share how their fathers and family members have inspired them.

Sophia Tsao from Po Wing Hong

“My father is my business mentor and a great source of industry information. His innate gentleness, positivity, and generosity are traits that I admire and carry with me whether in business or in life. The success of Po Wing Hong, enabled my father to support many Chinatown improvement campaigns and non-profit organizations dedicated to assisting immigrants, so it's important for me to keep our legacy alive to continue to contribute to a community that has given us so much in return.”

Norina Li from KK Discount

“As a family-run shop, I grew up working alongside my dad, learning the ins and outs of running the business. He was the visionary behind the store, and I played a crucial role in supporting daily operations to ensure the business ran smoothly.

My father's dedication to the shop, which was his dream upon coming to America, has always inspired me. He worked tirelessly to provide better opportunities for his children, and his passion motivated me to do whatever it takes to keep the business thriving. His commitment has also inspired his granddaughter, who eagerly helps with inventory and organizing to ensure everything is in order at the store.

It is important for me to keep my family's legacy alive to show my daughter the value of our family history and the hard work it takes to run a business. These moments at the shop are priceless and provide invaluable lessons about dedication and perseverance.”

Truman Lam from Jing Fong

“We have a collaborative relationship.  While I handle all the daily tasks, we often discuss the direction of the business and operation. My father continues to have dreams to grow the business beyond our Chinatown location to share Chinese cuisine the way we ate it growing up.

My grandfather started the restaurant in the 70s, so for as long as I remember, we had all our family gatherings there.  Whether it be Lunar New Year's, birthdays, family weddings, or just a weekend lunch/dinner, we always gathered at Jing Fong.  Its a place where my siblings and cousins all grew up together and we hope to be able to continue this as long as possible.”

Paul Eng from Fong On

“My father had always wanted me to take over the family business, but I never wanted to or at least in how he wanted me to. Regardless, he somehow knew that I would return to it. He would teach me many small but useful concepts in the kitchen and in life, that in whole was invaluable to me later in life and in returning to the family business. 

My father had a lifetime of experience that he passed to me. He wasn’t educated in the academic sense but he was a smart man who figured out his way around the business. He used his knowledge inventively to adapt technology at the time for use in our tofu business when there were no ready made tools or machines. He inspired me to be inventive, to think and to believe in all possibilities. That the business was a wholesome business that was part of the larger Chinatown community.

My father along with his father before built a legacy in our family business. Both him and his father never envisioned a life making tofu. But for the good of supporting the family, they forged ahead. In doing so, they found themselves and gave their families identity in the new world as immigrants. For me it’s important to keep our family legacy alive and further into the mainstream, because that legacy should grow and represent our heritage to the broader world.

Hilda from New Kam Man

“Uncle Hei has always played a paternal role in my life. As the second generation owner of New Kam Man, he has been a constant source of inspiration, showcasing the importance of hard work and market expertise in running a successful business in the heart of Chinatown. Throughout my teenage years, I would eagerly spend my summers working at the store, observing the delight on customers' faces as they left with their purchases. It was within those walls that I not only honed my skills in building strong customer relationships, but also cultivated a profound work ethic under the guidance of Uncle Hei and his dedicated team. Despite having dedicated over three decades of his life to the market, Uncle Hei remains steadfast in his belief of leading by example, often working side by side with his employees to foster a sense of unity and shared purpose.

Throughout the years, Uncle Hei has bestowed upon me invaluable advice that extends far beyond the realm of work; they are profound life lessons. His generosity knows no bounds, as he readily imparts his wisdom to anyone willing to lend an ear. He consistently fosters a spirit of exploration within our generation, urging us to forge our own unique paths. It is this unwavering support and encouragement that compels me to reconnect with my roots.

Uncle Hei's steadfast reminders resonate deeply within me. He underscores the undeniable truth that without the vibrant tapestry of Chinatown and the unwavering dedication of our employees, the legacy of New Kam Man would cease to exist. Therefore, it is our collective responsibility to give back to the very community that has nurtured us.

I am honored to be part of the New Kam Man legacy as a third-generation member. My family immigrated to America in the 1970s, driven by the pursuit of the "American Dream," and they have undoubtedly achieved it. Now, as the third generation, it is our responsibility to carry forward these legacies and transform New Kam Man into an iconic symbol of Chinatown. Personally, I am determined to become the person who will make my uncle proud.”

Avery and Oliver, New Kam Man

“Our relationship with our grandfather as it relates to the business is deeply rooted in shared responsibilities and a commitment to maintaining our family's legacy. During the summers, we work together part-time, focusing on the upkeep of the store. This hands-on experience not only strengthens our bond but also allows us to learn valuable skills and business practices directly from him, ensuring that the traditions and quality standards established by our family are upheld.

Our grandfather is a significant source of inspiration for our work in the business and our contributions to Chinatown. His vitality and enthusiasm when he is at the store are infectious, and his extensive knowledge about the products and brands we carry is unmatched. He embodies the spirit of dedication and passion, motivating us to strive for excellence and to appreciate the rich history of our store, which is one of the oldest in Chinatown.

Keeping our grandfather's and our family's legacy alive in the business is crucial because it honors our heritage and strengthens our community ties. Our store, being family-run and part of a close-knit community, serves as a living testament to our family's hard work and resilience. Preserving this legacy ensures that future generations can continue to benefit from and contribute to the cultural and economic vitality of Chinatown.”

Welcome to Chinatown

Welcome to Chinatown is a grassroots initiative to support Chinatown businesses following the rapid decline in business as a result of COVID-19 and increased xenophobia. Welcome to Chinatown serves as a free voice to generate much needed momentum for one of New York City's most vibrant neighborhoods, and offers resources to launch a new revenue stream during this unprecedented time.


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