Coach Program Update: Corina Beauty Center

We’re wrapping up our coach program with Corina! Here’s a look back at how we worked with Corina to refresh their branding, create a website, and update their marketing materials.

Our Coach program is one of Welcome to Chinatown’s initiatives to work with businesses through more 1:1 hands-on support, with the help of subject experts.

Part 1: Branding

Back in the Summer of 2023 we partnered with Kepler Mission Design, an AAPI-founded and operated design studio located in Manhattan to take on the project of refreshing and expanding the visual branding of Corina Beauty Center. Like many legacy businesses, branding as we know it as today wasn’t part of their business plan. Branding was confined to mostly some exterior signage and basic color choices. When we first started working with Corina it was established that they were looking for branding, a website, and a refresh of all of their printed materials. We recognized the need for new brand guidelines – ones that are connected to the existing legacy, but built upon.

With Shiloh and Quella from the Kepler team, we worked with Corina to identify what she liked about her business’ aesthetics as it stands right now. She gave us insights on how she chose the original look, and her personal entrepreneur journey – landing in a career (and passion) for beauty. With this intel, we put together a new visual direction that was directed by her business history and goals, with a look towards her target demographic. We wanted to ensure our efforts were not just for looks, but also to help grow her business.

We went through a few rounds of design, narrowing down the essence of Corina’s vision and expanding it in a way that would translate well to digital and print mediums.

Here are a few snippets of the process:

Chapter 2: Website

For every small business a website is usually the customer's first impression of who they are. It should show their strengths, their story, and their vision. For Corina Beauty, Wesley (Corina’s son) spoke to us about their first attempt to create a website, and why it didn’t work out. He also talked about how platforms like Yelp are difficult to maintain for small businesses who might not have staff dedicated to marketing.

After finalizing the brand guidelines, we had the assets to bring the brand to life! Our volunteer website designer Jessie Wu led the charge. We wanted to tackle conveying the story and skill of Corina, clearly showcase her services, and make it easier for customers to contact and book.

We landed on creating a photo-centric website that balances content with testimonials, services, and booking information.

Chapter 3: Print Design

To close out our coaching program with Corina, the branding also came to life in Corina’s physical storefront. We supported her in subtly refreshing the look and feel without losing the essence of her brand.

When we first met with Corina, she identified her booklet as a pain point – she felt that her menu never really conveyed the message of her offerings. It was a mixture of blurbs and bullet points pulled from the brands she works with, but the information was never adapted for Corina’s voice.

We took on this challenge by first working with Corina to weed out information that was outdated or superfluous, then designing a book that can be easily read. 

As a cherry on top, we finished off the project with a light refresh to exterior and  interior graphics, and some printed giveaways.

We know this is the tip of the iceberg of goals Corina has for her business, but we’re excited to have helped with one step of the way. Her motto is to make you feel as beautiful as you feel, inside and out. Corina’s drive to continue improving boils down to her desire to continue serving her customers. Through our work with her, we can 100% contest Corina's commitment and passion for her work – our team members even went in for services (some of the best facials and brows ever). 

Pay Corina a visit at 121 Baxter St #C, and check out her services at!

Photos by Garnish Studios

Welcome to Chinatown

Welcome to Chinatown is a grassroots initiative to support Chinatown businesses following the rapid decline in business as a result of COVID-19 and increased xenophobia. Welcome to Chinatown serves as a free voice to generate much needed momentum for one of New York City's most vibrant neighborhoods, and offers resources to launch a new revenue stream during this unprecedented time.


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