Asian Americans for Black Lives Matter Posters and How to Use Them

Dear AAPI Community,

We've said and heard too many times: "I don't want to get involved, it's not my business," "I don't know enough about the issue" or "I don't want to cause any problems". Too many of us feel like we don't belong or deserve a seat at the table. But we need to be a part of the conversation and amplify our voices to support our Black communities. 

We are reminded and reflecting on the fact that our privilege devastatingly blinds us from the realities of the world that our Black peers face. As a fellow minority, it is our responsibility to recognize our own set of privileges and use it to dismantle racial injustice and fight for Black equality. We must educate ourselves, empathize with their struggle, and fight alongside the movement. This requires active, persistent participation that we should all commit ourselves to. 

With that, we've created two sets of posters 

1. Set 1: Posters to inspire the Asian community to stand in solidarity with our Black brothers and sisters. The time is now to rally our voices together in solidarity of racial equality.

2. Set 2: Posters to hold up our Black brothers and sisters during this time when they need our undivided support the most.

They are available here for free download. 

We believe it’s important everyone has the ability to express their support without financial restriction, but if you are able to, please consider donating to one of the following organizations with your download:

How to use these posters:

  • Set 1: Share these with your Asian friends, family and post them around your Asian communities. These posters are oriented towards our community to challenge and encourage each other to start conversations, get involved, and fight alongside our Black brothers and sisters.

  • Set 2: Print these out, take them to protests, share it everywhere. This movement is about raising the Black community up; let’s bring our voices, our mental and physical presence, and our  energy and to support them through this fight.

This is so much more than just a moment in history. It is a call for us as AAPIs across this nation to cultivate lifelong allyship that uplifts the Black community. Right now, every single one of us has the ability to take a step toward promoting justice for all in America. We couldn’t think of a better time to combat the silenced voices of Asian Americans; join us as we raise our voices for justice and humanity. 

Welcome to Chinatown

Welcome to Chinatown is a grassroots initiative to support Chinatown businesses following the rapid decline in business as a result of COVID-19 and increased xenophobia. Welcome to Chinatown serves as a free voice to generate much needed momentum for one of New York City's most vibrant neighborhoods, and offers resources to launch a new revenue stream during this unprecedented time.


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Asian Americans for Black Lives